Indian Workers Struggle To Afford 6p Biscuits.

Insight & Opinion

It seems that Indian workers can no longer afford to spend just a few pence (5 rupees) on biscuits. Purchasing power among Indian consumers has been squeezed to the point that blue collar workers and laborers are starting to think twice about reaching for shop bought snacks.

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GIPHY Has A Fun New NYC Office


GIPHY, the largest online database and search engine for GIFs, has just taken occupation of their 12,500 sqft NYC offices in the meat-packing district on the west side of Manhattan. It looks like a blast, take a look…

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How To Write A Job Description

Front Page | Recruitment Advice

A job description (or a job specification) is a document compiled by an employer to provide a complete overview of a specific position within a company.  Titled “How To Write a Job Description” expect a comprehensive guide on how to nail this mandatory recruitment task.

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