Empowering You
To Hire Directly.
At Guru we run fully managed advertising campaigns designed to attract top talent to your jobs.
Reach Top
Industry Talent
Our specialist network puts your vacancies in front of an engaged audience of highly relevant talent.
Use Your Time
More Effectively
Our expert recruiters deliver high performing recruitment campaigns so you can concentrate on your day job.
Reduce Your
Be empowered to hire directly with cost-per-hires in the hundreds
not the thousands.
What our
clients say…
clients say…
Running campaigns in over 50 different countries for the likes of Netflix, John Lewis and Waitrose, IM are pioneers in the field of RTB / Programmatic advertising. Rapidly expanding, they need brilliant people and lots of them.
Working with Infectious Media since 2012 we have introduced more than 950 relevant candidates to the IM team, whilst saving countless resourcing hours and huge expense compared to other hiring methods.
Let’s work
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