MoodHacker – An App That Wants To Create Happier Workplaces

Tech, Online & Social | Workplace


Depression is one of the leading causes of workplace absenteeism, estimating to cause 200 million lost workdays each year at a cost of £billions to employers. Moodhacker is a health app designed for companies to improve the wellbeing of their staff by giving employees stress-relieving tips at exactly the right moments…

Created by the health technology company Orcas, Moodhacker is described as a mobile, self-management intervention based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology that helps employees track, understand, and improve their mood, and reduce depression symptoms.

Each day users rate their mood out of 10 and record positive activities they’ve accomplished each day, this could be something simple like a walk outdoors or launching a new project. Based on this data, MoodHacker then recommends activities, articles and video that may be relevant to those who find themselves feeling down.

Moodhacker Screenshot

Just the thought of sharing personal feelings with an employer is enough to fill most people with dread, however Moodhacker anonymizes mood trends and insight into general workforce data so bosses can’t see any specific information that employees provide.

Moodhacker Screenshot

Visit the website here: Moodhacker