The Rise and Fall of the Courtroom Sketch Artist


Gary Myrick was once the go-to Sketch Artist for TV stations, where millions of people would view his work which spanned high profile cases on serial killers, famous politicians, professional athletes, international arms dealers and more. This 7-minute film features the rise and fall of Gary Myrick and the Courtroom Sketch Artist profession as a whole.

Speaking about the film, Ramtin Nikzad says:

“Starting with the Dallas school desegregation trial in 1976, he sketched courtrooms that featured famous politicians, serial killers, professional athletes, international arms merchants, housewives-turned-killers, victims’ families, rapt juries and napping judges — all rendered with an empathetic gaze and understated wit. His work conveyed the tragedy and folly of the courtroom experience, while avoiding sentimentality and snap judgments about his subjects. His human touch captured what cameras never could.”

The intrigue of Old Masters at work is a fascinating subject, just check out the skills of these Sign Painters or Eric Hollenbeck, aka The Ox.