Recruitment Marketing
Made Easy

Make low application rates and agency fees a thing of the past.
Give your jobs the visibility they deserve.

Key Features

Recruitment Advertising

Every 20 seconds an active job seeker reads a Guru job advert. Amplify your direct hiring activities.

LinkedIn Headhunting

Managed headhunting campaigns with global reach. Extensive passive candidate targeting.

Optimised Copy

Achieve page 1 prominence for your vacancies.  The best visibility wins the battle for talent.

Specialist Targeting

Reach niche audiences and communities, driving relevant candidates to live vacancies.

Expert Management

CIPD qualified AMs, and Headhunters contact and qualify candidates only the best candidates.

No Agency Fees

Expect a top agency level service but with the value from going direct. The best of both worlds.

Clients We Work With.

Trusted by forward thinking businesses seeking to reduce hiring spend with no loss of service.




Find out how we helped the Sahara Force India F1 team attract top talent by using a combination of advertising, social media and bespoke content.
Working with Infectious Media since 2012 we have introduced more than 950 relevant candidates to the IM team, whilst saving them countless hours and huge expense.
Employing thousands worldwide we keep this top ad agency well stocked with creative, marketing, media, technical and client servicing talent.

Get in Touch.

Discover a new way to attract and engage the best UK talent. Fill in the form below to find out more.



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