The Anxiety of Returning to Work | Post Lockdown Issues

Insight & Opinion

For most of us, the last 3 or 4 months has presented a unique working experience allowing us to spend extended periods of time with our families or perhaps with no one at all. Now, as lockdown ends and the workplace readies itself for business, what impact has this had on the mental health of employees?

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5 Reasons Why People Do Not Want To Join Your Company

Talent Attraction

Why People Don't Want To Join Your Company

When you’re running a company, your staff are your biggest asset. By hiring the right people, you can ensure you have the skills, innovation and creativity you need to grow your business. However, you’ll need to make sure you can attract the best candidates if you want to achieve commercial success.

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Why Your Job Advertising Isn’t Working (And What To Do About It)

Insight & Opinion | Talent Attraction

Job Advertising Not Working

It’s actually quite exciting when you first publish a job advert, you’ve taken the time to get it just right, turning your rather wordy job specification into a punchy job advert that is going to turn heads and attract top talent.  After all, your company is offering a competitive salary, great benefits, a first-class culture and career progression – this hire is going to be a doddle!

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Basecamp Gives It’s Employees £4000 A Year To Go On Holiday

Talent Attraction

If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you had more time off at work, then you’re definitely going to think working at Basecamp sounds like heaven. In fact, the CEO of this small web development company says he wants to offer employees even more perks—but he struggles to think of new ones, because anything they could want has likely already been offered to them. Read More