Architects: Redesign The World’s Most Remote Island Village

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Tristan da Cunha Remotest Island

We all want to “get away from it all” from time-to-time but for 1 lucky Architect this wish will come true with a once in a lifetime opportunity to redesign the world’s most remote island village, the British ruled Tristan da Cunha.

Tristan da Cunha is the remotest inhabited island in the world. Situated within the South Atlantic Ocean, the island lays approximately 1,750 miles (7 to 10 days sailing) south-west of Cape Town and is only accessible by sea, on approximately 60 days per year.

Tristan da Cunha

To coincide with the island’s 200th Anniversary in 2016, the Tristanians are keen to see how the built environment and energy efficiency of all homes and government buildings can be improved. Design teams (to be led by a practising registered architect) from around the globe are invited to participate in this unique design competition that is seeking ideas to help the community become self-sustainable and ensure that Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is viable for future generations.

Tristan da Cunha Top Down View

The competition is seeking innovative, cost-effective approaches for the re-design and consolidation of the Island’s government buildings; initiatives to significantly improve the living standards and performance of residential properties; together with improvements to the Island’s agrarian systems to better support grazing and the year-round growth of fresh produce.

The Head of Government on Tristan da Cunha, Alex Mitham explains…

“As the community nears its 200th anniversary, it is a perfect time to not only reflect on the past, but also look to the future and ensure the community’s viability for generations to come. I believe that a competition such as this offers the community that chance to thrive.”

“We live in a time when you can step on a plane and be almost anywhere in the world within 24 hours. However Tristan is truly unique, and offers a fantastic opportunity for designers from around the world to have a beneficial impact on how Tristanians live and work for years to come.”

Tristan da Cunha Remote Island

Entry is open to design teams from around the world but must be led by a practising Architect.

The closing date for phase one is 2pm on June 2. For further details and how to enter visit Tristan Da Cunha – RIBA Competition

Tristan da Cunha RIBA Competition

Make sure you send the Guru team a postcard if you win 🙂